A) Procedures operating the network, information, transnational meetings

I - Professional deontology of the network

  1. Each partner accepts and respects the principles expressed in this partnership charter.
  2. Each partner has to respect the connected professional requirements (presence, punctuality, participation…), ethics, representation, and so will his team
  3. Each partner is required to perform the functions, the roles and obligations that he has agreed to fulfill
  4. Each partner is called to report on these tasks towards the other partners
  5. In case of problems regarding previous point, the online forum and point “Miscelleanous” on the agenda of the transnational meetings are the spaces in which discussion can be undertaken.

II- Creation of the CED – Centre d’Etude et de Dissémination – (Research and Dissemination Centre )

  1. Production of a questionnaire providing details of every CED: location, address, reference person, person responsible for communication within the project and training programme, …
  2. At the first transnational meeting:
    1. Each partner lists the referring persons in the different committees .
    2. Each partner hands over his completed questionnaire
    3. The coordination produces an updated planning with deadlines for each action
    4. The coordination produces a document resuming the quality procedures that will be implemented by the coordination concerning :
      1. Monthly transfer to the coordination by every CED of the translated documents
      2. Monthly report on the implementation and evolution (cfr procedure quality control)
      3. Twice a month, e-mail contact on the progress of the work done by every CED with acknowledgment of receipt
    5. All the mail exchanges between coordination and CED will be kept within an appropriate file (by the person in charge of communication), in both structures (coordination and CED).
    6. During the action every CED, through the reliable person, consults the translators / adapters (depending on the programme stage) to be able to report the information to the coordination

III - Quality Management Committee and Quality Control (CQG)

  1. At first transnational meeting: Creation of a Quality Control Committee consisting of X members (1 representative of the Coordination and 1 member per partner)
  2. Monthly written reviews to show programme progress based on reports from each CED (see pt 8) in connection with the schedule of the actions
  3. The evaluation report accompanied by all documents produced during the month is transferred to CQG members by the coordination
  4. In case of difficulties for a partner to keep the schedule, proposal for remediation in the month following the assessment by the CQG
  5. If necessary, after the remediation proposal, meeting with the CED reference person and other concerned persons required to solve the problem
  6. The CQG works out, 1 month before each transnational meeting, a report to submit to the plenary session
  7. The CQG prepares a final report containing the evaluation of all quality procedures. to be produced at the end of the programme
  8. The assessment of progress and final evaluation is done using a 3 levels scale : 1, 0, -1 (in advance, in the time, delay).
For each activity, the total elapsed actions can only be zero or higher compared to the previous month's score. Otherwise a problem is to be solved according to points 4 and 5.

IV- Specification of the coordination visits to a CED

Duration of each visit: 2 to 3 working days

The aim of the visit by the coordination is to report to each partner transferable good practice across the Saturne network. These visits should facilitate the management of the CED, harmonize practices in a quality perspective and strengthen the links between the different network partners, develop training, participate in carrying out surveys , research on training needs.

  1. Activation of the CED as part of IEFC.

    • Presentation of the staff (educational, development)
    • Meet the Local Area Network (network platform)
    • Development methods and links connecting to the local area network or partnership:
    • Description of the Partnership (presentation of activity sector, methodology, ...)
    • Involvement of local partners in cooperative programs or other European programmes
    • Introduction of the transnational process at local level
  2. Quality Procedures: Evaluation of the implementation of quality procedures
  3. Showing promotion resources for the training process adapted to the different target publics
  4. Assistance in setting up Eu trainings PEGASE, JOCASTE and JOCONDAand following
  5. Analysis of new training needs
  6. Methodological assistance to organize a national conference
  7. Financial aspects
  8. Organization of the training modules by the CED 
  9. Research and identification of training resources at local level, which could be shared with other network members.
  10. Miscellaneous: It is wishful to transmit the contents to be addressed in "miscellaneous" 15 days before the visit by the coordination.

B) Communication development via NITC

I - European network visibility via Internet-Creating a Web Site

  1. For each programme and CED, setting up a directory of mail addresses of involved staff. This list is prepared by the Management of each CED.
  2. The coordination of the project is responsible for updating the directory.
  3. Integration of this directory within the European website.
  4. Working out a European website containing the network structure, including, the administrative structure of IEFEC, the administrative structure of the different CEDs and various forums.
  5. CED’s have each in addition to the standard homepage, opportunities to promote their own activities (additional pages)
  6. The Saturne Project Coordination bears responsibility, monitors and updates the web site, each CED provides updated data and information on its own page.
  7. Coordination puts programme information to the attention of partner on these pages:
    Programme Overview.
    Presentation and contact details of associated partners.
    Presentation and contact of invited partners.
  8. Coordination puts two months before each conference deadline, invitation and programme announcement.
  9. The Project Coordination Saturne also provides network visibility through a set of links towards pages of various European projects to which IEFC contributes as well as towards partners websites.
  10. Partners specific websites remain under their personal responsibility.
  11. The website contains a space devoted to forums. These forums are designed to ensure the exchange and sharing of information, visibility and transparency of the network, reflection and understanding of cross-cultural dimensions.
  12. 1.Several forums will be established but a minimum of two is required :
    1. The first forum has controlled access and is available to members of the network only. Its function is to provide a space for partners to ask questions related to contents, administrative and financial aspects related to projects.
    2. The second forum is open to users and visitors and allows dialogue with IEFC.

II- E-mail management

  1. Establishment of a directory of the mail addresses of the staff involved in each programme and CED. This list is worked out by the management of each CED.
  2. The management of each CED is responsible for updating and fulfilling the directory. Changes in contacts are included in the monthly electronic questionnaire (see below)
  3. Each participant to the network makes backup copies of the mails.
  4. Systematic acknowledgment of receipts concerning correspondence with project leader and coordination.
  5. Within each CED, systematic activation of CC to management when transferring information to other CED's.
  6. Regular bi-monthly contact between coordination and the different partners
  7. The questionnaires are sent in CC to the different project partners.
  8. IEFC website forum will handle questions and comments

C) Organization of transnational meetings

I- General Organization

  1. Each of the transnational meetings consists of:
    1. A summary of the overall project state and general issues by the promoter
    2. A work meeting according to different agenda items
  2. The agenda of this work meeting is established at previous meeting.
  3. Amendments to this agenda can be made by the coordinator as required and according to expectations of the different partners. .
  4. In the latter case, changes must be submitted no later than 15 days prior to the meeting
  5. The work meeting is directed by the European coordinator attached to the project promoter
  6. The work meeting is conducted by the European coordinator representative of the promoting organisation
  7. If necessary, co-animation may be taken by the head of the CED hosting the transnational meeting.
    The tasks of the facilitator are to :
    1. Boost exchanges
    2. Ensure a positive and constructive exchange in respect of the cultural specificities of each participant
    3. Ensure proper understanding of the information according to partners languages capacities and skills
    4. Respect time schedule of the meeting
    5. Ensure similar speaking time for everyone
    6. Ensure respect of all agenda items review
    7. Ensure the achievement of all documents prepared during the meeting
    8. In case of problems, make proposals in consultation with the partners
  8. The work languages of the meetings are English and French
  9. The transnational meetings involve the possibility of using multimedia

II- Information flow dealing with transnational meetings

  1. Working papers are prepared by the coordination based on monthly reports by the different CED's according to the programme established at the previous meeting
  2. All these papers are validated by the project promoter
  3. All these documents are delivered not later than 15 days prior to the meeting by email
  4. The updated programme of the transnational meeting will be sent no later than 15 days prior to the meeting
  5. The partners may send their comments, and questions about the papers not later than one week prior to the meeting
  6. The minutes and documents finalized during the transnational meeting are sent to different partners within 15 days after the transnational meeting

D) Implementing the trainings

I- Validation of the training programmes by the CED's

  1. At first transnational meeting: establishment of a pedagogical (scientific) and designing committee per partner.
  2. Issuing by the coordination of an agreement model between trainers and CED
  3. Identification of 6 trainers among each partner organisation
  4. Identification of potential trainers to provide a recruitment pool.
  5. Signing of cooperation agreements between trainers and CED's for the experimentation: Agreement on the implementation of the training seminars.
  6. Recruitment of partners target groups
  7. Implementation of the training modules as soon as they are being translated
  8. Recruitment be repeated with different trainings

II- Translation of lessons

  1. Before the first transnational meeting: each partner will identify 2 translators, professionals form the social, and a potential third one in case of defection
  2. Appointment by each CED of two translators
  3. Each CED will inform its translators of the lessons, they are entitled to translate. The translations are be made module by module.
  4. Defining a follow-up agreement on translations: each CED will deliver an agreement to each translator, specifying the requirements related to time schedules and data transfer (translations made).
  5. Monitoring of the translations by the communication responsible
  6. Follow up and control by CQG regarding planning respect.
  7. In case of difficulties in achieving the planning, information according the above communication process and quality control

III- How to organize the cultural adaptation of the training programmes

  1. Identification of local experts in contents related to the programme
  2. Conducting a cultural reading of the lessons by local experts; each partner will do this according to the existing languages of the programme.
  3. Each partner will hold local experts meetings and work out a written report on the main remarks related to the cultural adaptation.
  4. Report will be sent to the Scientific & education Committee (SEC) before starting the first training of the target publics.
  5. Preparatory meeting between SEC’s and trainers before the first training to prepare users comments on cultural peculiarities.
  6. Coordination will write out a working document together with the SEC’s to debrief trainers after the training sessions.
  7. Introduction of the amendments proposed by the experts, trainers and/or users onto the lessons.
  8. Introduction of local data banks into the adapted training programmes.
  9. the CQG will meet each partner in order to validate the intermediate procedure (translation, cultural and experimental adaptation)

IV- Cultural adaptation – assessment procedure

  1. Contents will be adapted by minimum 3 staff members
  2. Validation of thus developed adaptations will be carried out by a group of minimum 6 persons to rule.
  3. Validation of the cultural adaptation will focus on two points :
    1. The formal dimension of adaptation
      • Equivalence of terms with their contents (signified/signifier) (words/concepts-mental representations)
      • Using professional technical terms
      • Equivalence of expressions and story in relation to the literary habits specific to the language used for translation
      • Level of understanding adapted to the different target publics.
      • Bibliographical references appropriate to the context, available in the translated language, equivalent books, works
    2. Transferability of the contents from :
      • The sociological perspective
      • The philosophical perspective
      • The politically perspective
      • The religious perspective
  4. Each one who concretely, on the field, directly collaborated to the adaptation process will sign a report to the attention of the CED
  5. Names and functions of persons involved in the adaptation process will be mentioned

V- Implementation of lessons into the training software

  1. Each CED will define the secretarial staff in charge of formatting the lessons of the different programmes into Word and Excel.
  2. Monthly Word and Excel formatting according to the translation progress. The delay difference between translation and formatting should not exceed one month.
  3. Word and Excel formatting of the cultural corrections
  4. Identification of any specific Font characters related to each used language.
  5. Validation of point 4 by the responsible concerned partner
  6. Transfer by each CED of the Exel files to the partner in charge after formatting, and following the visit by the CQG to the partner in charge of the files into the education software.
  7. Integration of the formatted lessons into the education software by the partner in charge

VI- Dissemination of the lessons

  1. Each CED will line out its information campaign as to the dissemination partners and the planning of its local actions
  2. Coordination meetings at local level (3)
  3. Meeting reports related to the goals and to recruitment of users groups (3) according definition of target groups when applicable
  4. Working out the programme in seminars / distance training
  5. Implementing the training

E) Training of trainers

I- Preparing the tutors to distance learning

  1. Basic training on the use of the training software and platform
  2. Writing out a user manual for the educational software by the partner in charge
  3. Testing out the training software by the implementation of a mixed training (seminar/remote) through a new training session.
    Each partner will have (6) trainers trained
  4. Identifying the trainers (see appropriate procedure)
  5. Transfer of appropriate translated and adapted lessons to the tutors via each concerned CED.
  6. Deep reading of the programmes by the concerned trainers.
  7. Conducting a discussion forum French / English on content issues between trainers and tutors.
  8. Identifying the ‘content’ expert.
  9. Trainers will receive the user’s manual on the training software
  10. Training the trainers in seminar on the use of the training software and platform
  11. Continued discussion forum on the contents, with extension to educational and training aspects related to the training software and platform ( calling on to the Scientific and educational committee).

II- Profile of the trainers

The candidates must answer to at least 5 criteria in terms of qualities, of human, professional and educational qualifications :

Human Qualities : Including
  1. Easy communication
  2. Demonstrate an intellectual curiosity and a personal commitment to the function
  3. Have the ability to develop emotional and cognitive activation
  4. Create a peaceful relationship, positive, constructive
  5. Show evidence of empathy, sympathy, pro activity, be assertive
  6. Have the ability to transfer
  7. Manage transfer reactions and contra transfers
  8. Have a broad knowledge of cultures and be open for tolerance

Vocational qualities : Including
  1. Know all about institutions, and non-profit NGO of their country.
  2. Have a critical experience on the topic subject of lessons.
  3. Witness the visibility of their commitment to the covered subjects (conferences, publications, participation in circuits).
  4. Have qualified expertise in certain areas.
  5. Practice evaluation and self assessment.
  6. ICT skills, e-learning and Internet.
  7. Communication skills through writing (writing ability, correct spelling).

Academic Qualifications : Including
  1. Vocational Trainers :
    Have the academic qualifications required depending on programme contents (University and / or higher) and / or professional specializations acquired in academic or private ways
  2. Human Resources Managers :
    Have the academic qualifications required depending on contents (University and / or higher) and / or specializations acquired and / or recognized for company management.
  3. Auxiliary functions in health, psycho-social services :
    Have the academic qualifications required according to the contents (University and / or higher level and / or professional) and / or qualifications or recognized titles

Educational Qualifications : Including
  1. Experience in theoretical pedagogy
  2. Teaching experience
  3. Skills in group dynamics
  4. Ability to manage time and respect programme contents
  5. Know how to learn
  6. Arise emulation by staying back from the learner
  7. Know how to valorise the value of learning outcomes
  8. Synthetic mind and go to the essentials