History of IEFC

European Institute of Continuous Training for the social service sector

The European Institute of Continuous Training for the social service sector is the main result of the Leonardo project SATURNE with the prospect of creating social Europe.

IEFC is an association set up by the will of its founding members to sustain a long period -over 15 years- of fruitful European collaboration between the founding members around several Equal, Leonardo and Daphne projects among which : Forminser,
Joconda , Jocaste , Pégase, New Horizon, FranPolSpa, Prom' Events, Stop it, Polyphème and Baltimédia

The Partnership has adopted the legal form of a non-profit private association according to Belgian law. The statutes have been published in the Moniteur Belge in 2006, and the association is composed of full members and associated members.

Without any transnational, European resources, IEFC partly realises its goals relying on its members own resources.

AIGS, promoter of the network has continued its role of liaison, coordination and activation of the network to ensure the sustainability of the European goals and promises.

Active European collaboration and co-operation have allowed the network to expand in terms of geography and of quality of its partner associations in order to promote its educational activities at European level in favour of audiences of the social service sector.

Thanks to its European activities, IEFC can provide an educational platform for e-learning, a network of trainers, and a catalogue of vocational trainings with a European perspective focussing on issues of violence towards children, young people, women, disabled and stigmatized publics, psychosocial rehabilitation, job coaching, and social cohesion.

Training modules are available in several languages each of them culturally adapted. The training programmes are all developed in co-construction with funding from the EU programmes, Leonardo and Daphne.

The permanent secretariat of the IEFC is located in Belgium, Herstal, St Lambert. This location has been decided in relation to its central location near the European institutions and the European Commission.

Objectives and usual activities of the organization with a European dimension

The aim of IEFC is to organize a network of institutions of the social service sector on a European scale, with a view to achieving democratic and social Europe through the development of educational tools and resources for the continuous training of all stakeholders, for paid and unpaid workers of the social sector preventing and fighting against violence in order to improve the well-being of all and to strengthen the social cohesion between all citizens, without any distinction.

Structure of the organisation

The association is directed by a Board of Directors (BOD) appointed by the General Assembly, consisting of minimum 10 and maximum 25 members. They hold office for free. The board members are retiring and re-elected every 3 years. The Board meets at least twice a year; deliberations are taken by majority of members, present or represented. Each member of the board has one vote. The agenda of BOD meetings is determined by the Bureau. Signed minutes of the meetings will are kept in a specific register.

The BOD will set up its Bureau or Executive Committee within its members. It is composed of a president, 3 vice-presidents, a managing director, a director in charge of the daily management, a secretary, and a treasurer.

The Executive Committee consists of a maximum of 8 members. The Executive Committee manages the daily business defined by the BOD. The BOD manages the affairs and accounts of the non-profit association and represents the association in all court documents. It has jurisdiction in all matters, except those that Act of law explicitly reserves to the General Assembly. The BOD may delegate specific powers to a member.

The Association is adequately being represented by the signatures of 2 directors. For acts falling under daily management, the association is adequately represented by the signature of the daily managing director or of the President.

The General Assembly consists of all full effective members with deliberative vote and associated members. It is chaired by the President of the Board or by a vice-president or by the oldest present director. It appoints within its members a BOD composed of minimum 10 and maximum 25 members and two auditors on the accounts. Each full member has one vote at the General Assembly.

The General Assembly is the sovereign power of the association. Except as provided by law, decisions are taken by simple majority of votes, present and represented. A majority of 2/3 is required to expel a member. Signed minutes of each meeting are kept in special register. The financial year runs from January 1 till December 31. The BOD will prepare the accounts and budgets and presents then to the General Assembly for approval. Internal regulations complete the statutes of the association published in the Moniteur Belge under number 881.167.794.


Upon receipt of the application, the President and/or the Secretary-General proposes by mail the application to the Board of Directors. They decide within 15 days.

If 2/3 of the members agree, applicants are accepted either as full members or as acceeding members.

Candidates submit their membership application to the Chairman of the Board of Directors: altogether :- IEFC application form ;description of their (s) activity (s) ; statutes of thir association; list of their Board of Directors and Executive Committee;- A certificate certifying that the association has the financial, administrative and education resources to ensure IEFC missions.

The yearly general statutory assembly takes note of the admissions.

The association is adequately represented by the joint signature of two directors.

For acts falling under daily management, the association is adequately represented by the signature of the daily managing director or of the President.

The General Assembly of the association meets annually during the first semester and not later than May 31st. It is convened by simple letter at least 15 days before the date of the meeting. The invitation mentions place, date and time of the meeting and the agenda set up by the BOD.

The General Assembly elects its directors for a period of 3 years. They are re-electable.
The term of directors ends with the disappearance of the capacity in which they were appointed.

The board is composed of at least 10 directors, max 25 directors

The BOD meets at least twice a year. It is invited by the President or Secretary General at least 15 days before deadline.

The functions of the Board are those set by the Organic company Law of Belgium.

The annual statutory General Assembly takes note of the admissions.

Board of Directors

Are member of the Executive Committee :

President : Maciej BOBR
Vice Presidents : Rita DONABAUER – Rachel GARCET
Managing director : Antonella CARDONE
Treasurer : Suzanne HAIRS
Secretary General and daily managing director : Marc GARCET


Marc GARCET: represents the association in all administrative acts
Eric FRANCOIS: represents the association in all actions related to finance
Rachel GARCET: represents the association in all actions related to personnel

The Executive Committee consists of a maximum of 8 members
The members of the Executive Committee are elected for a period of three years and are re-electable.

The Belgian organic law governing non-profit association is applicable in all situations not provided by the statutes or internal rules.

The annual membership fee is determined by the size of the association, max. up to 1,000 euros.

Each partner has set up within its organisation, a managing committee, a scientific and educational committee, a committee for Quality and Dissemination, collaborating with IEFC coordination according specific actions. These committees are jointly referred to as CED, Centre for Research and Dissemination. They are the liaison bodies, the links between partners and the coordination of IEFC network.

The general coordinator and the financial coordinator are linked under employee working contract for IEFC and work in accordance with the objectives and the Board of Directors through its delegation in daily activities, the Executive Committee under the leadership of the Secretary General of the IEFC who is responsible for managing daily IEFC.

The members of the Scientific Committee are :

Rachel Garcet, Rose-Marie Dethier, Jean-Marie Donnay, Dr. Michael Martin, Janine Renier, and Luc Vandormael.

It provides advice and expertise as well.